Auto Accidents & Personal Injuries in Keller

Have you experienced an accident or injury in Keller? Our services aim to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. We offer a wide range of specialized services, therapies, and techniques to make your journey to lasting wellness as efficient and effective as possible.
Auto Injuries in Keller TX
We know how scary it can be to be in an accident and what’s even worse, you may have been injured. Did you know that whiplash can occur even in low impact accidents? When should I be treated by a chiropractor? Don’t for the pain to become unbearable or to “get better on its own” In some case studies, chiropractic treatment has been recognized as one of the leading remedies for soft tissue pain and injuries including whiplash and other accident based injuries. Waiting to be seen or treated may lead to lasting damage and pain. Click here to learn more about our Auto Injuries service!
Work-Related Injuries / Occupational Rehabilitation
Missing work, out of options and in pain? This happens far too often! Stop the cycle of pain and injury, today. Our team can help! Dr. Shanley’s team can work with you and your medical team to establish and carry out a customized treatment plan that will result in recovery and occupational rehabilitation for any work-related injuries that you may be suffering from. Click here to learn more about our Work-Related Injuries service!
Personal Injuries / Slips and Falls
These things happen, whether your injury was caused by a clumsy mistake or an outside factor, we can get you the help you need. Millions of people go to the emergency room every year, young and old for accidents and falls. Don’t be embarrassed and don’t let anyone tell you that your injuries don’t warrant a visit to the Chiropractor. When these injuries go without proper treatment, your ability to heal and get back to work may be delayed. Click here to learn more about our Personal Injuries service!
Are you ready to get treatment for your recent injury? Give us a call at (817) 605-9500 today!
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm
8:00am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday

Advanced Medical
of North Texas
5500 North Tarrant Parkway #108
Fort Worth, TX 76244
P: (817) 605-9500
F: (817) 576-4833